Is Xcom 2 worth it? A comprehensive review

Описание к видео Is Xcom 2 worth it? A comprehensive review

Is Xcom 2 worth it? This video provides an in depth look at the gameplay to help you make an informed decision.

If you enjoy turn based tactical shooters and saving the world from alien invasion, you may have heard of Xcom 2. But is it worth the money? Is it worth the time it would take to learn the various mechanics?

00:00 Introduction
00:30 Thirty second summary of the game
01:28 How is the tutorial and how steep is the learning curve?
02:30 What are the mechanics then?
07:30 The different game modes
07:53 15 hour summary for potential players
09:00 But how much will it cost me?
09:36 Fine, are there many DLC's?
10:57 What about MODS?
11:31 Final summary - is it worth it?!

I'm a big strategy game fan, any game with tanks, planes, and BIG BATTLES will get my attention, but is shooting an alien in the face with a shot gun enough to replace these? I've purchased the game and played it for 15 hours to help you decide, is Xcom 2 worth it? We look at all aspects of the game, the big picture, the small picture, the game mechanics and how it compares to other games such as Gears Tactics.


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